miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2008

She's sorry she is not a beauty queen.
Just flesh and bones, just eyes,
gravity, lameness and lightness.
She burns and she writes.
Only intention:
not forget about herself
it's so easy to get lost on the road
so many looks to look.
Pictionary on:
Black dragonfly stand on a stick.
A dog smells another dog.
The other dog is dead.
(Now guess. Forgeting is easier in english)

Throw the hook little voice
we don't even have a song.

She is sorry she is not I

1 comentario:

Carolina Arévalo Camberos dijo...

me cortó la garganta.
me rompió los ojos.

Lo que nunca se dormía del todo, era una cierta idea de magnolias. Aunque los árboles donde ellas vivían hubieran quedado en el camino, ellas estaban cerca, escondidas detrás de los ojos.
