viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2008


A mi padre.

(...) where bones climb out of the
earth and recede to the first slime of love.
Russell Edson

Once, she heard a rumor about an inverse world on the other side of a mirror. At time, she heard her own heart crashing like a mad suicide piece of paper. What would a bullet be in a place like that? Looked at her empty hands and whispered some words like an island, so his blood stop running and beating like a falling leaf.

Mexitli Nayeli López Ríos

1 comentario:

Carolina Arévalo Camberos dijo...

maybe -and why not?-, like the Simic's leaf "more fearful, more happy, than all the others?"


Lo que nunca se dormía del todo, era una cierta idea de magnolias. Aunque los árboles donde ellas vivían hubieran quedado en el camino, ellas estaban cerca, escondidas detrás de los ojos.
